New Patients
We are not in a position to accept new patients at the present time but will be hoping to revisit this shortly.
Register as New Patient
We welcome requests for registration from patients living in or moving to the practice area.
We offer a full range of medical services to GMS patients with a Medical Card or Doctor Visit Card, and to private patients.
To register, you will need to complete a registration form. Under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), we also require you to complete a consent form allowing us to process your health data.
You can collect both forms from our practice.
If you have a medical card and you want to change your doctor you need to complete a Change of Doctor form giving details of the new doctor. You can download one of these from the Forms & Reference section.
If for some reason your request to join the practice has been declined, you will be informed by phone.
When contacting the surgery to make your first appointment as a new patient, please inform the administrative staff of this so that a longer appointment time can be allocated to you.
Please note: When applying for a Medical Card you will need to provide certain documents to support your application. Click here for information about the requirements.

Updating Your Details
If you move or change any of your personal details (e.g. address, surname, phone number) please help us by informing us so that your records can be updated.
Failure to do so could result in delays or prevent us from contacting you or a relative in an emergency.
Disabled Patient Facilities
Disabled patient facilities are also available at this practice.
(Car park space, ramp, toilet etc).