Chronic Disease Management Programme
Introducing the New Chronic Disease Management Programme
Is the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Programme for me?
You are eligible to join if you:
- Have a medical card or a GP visit card
- Are aged 18 years or over
- Have a specific chronic disease(s)
- Can attend your GP surgery?
The specific conditions included in the Chronic Disease Management Programme are:
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Asthma
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Cardiovascular Disease including:
Heart Failure
Heart Attack (Angina)
Irregular Heartbeat (Atrial Fibrillation)
Your GP or practice nurse will be inviting you to register for the Structured Chronic Disease Management Programme.

How will I benefit by being part of the Chronic Disease Management Programme?
The Chronic Disease Management programme has been developed in line with international best practice and research. This evidence shows that regular structured reviews of chronic medical conditions leads to improved patient outcomes through better condition management.
The Chronic Disease Management programme can improve your ability to manage your condition and support you by providing:
- Structured reviews of your chronic disease with your GP or practice nurse
- A personalised care plan developed and agreed with your GP
- Regular reviews of your care plan and medication
- Opportunities for structured education and self-management support
- Early detection of any new conditions you may develop
- Early detection of complications in your condition(s)
- Care in your community, close to your home
How will the programme work for you?
There will be 2 free structured reviews in the GP surgery each year as part of the Chronic Disease Management Programme. This amounts to a total of 4 free visits per year.
Each structured review includes 1 free visit to your GP and 1 free visit to your practice nurse at your GP surgery.
How do I arrange a structured review?
Once you are eligible for and confirm your participation, your GP will sign you up to the programme. You can make an appointment for a structured review by contacting Eileen or Sarah on 052 7441364. You can see both your GP and practice nurse during the same review or separately at different times, as appropriate.
Your information
Once you are on the Chronic Disease Management Programme you allow certain information to be collected at each structured review as part of the programme.
During each structured review, your GP will record your:
- Name and age
- Chronic disease diagnoses
- Medical history
- Details of any symptoms or investigations you have had since your last visit
Why is my information useful?
Information gathered as part of the Chronic Disease Management Programme will play a vital role in helping to improve our understanding of chronic disease.
It will improve the health services ability to detect, treat and prevent chronic diseases as well as deliver an improved service to those with chronic disease.
How we use your personal information
Your GP will automatically submit some information to the HSE at the end of each visit. This information is required to ensure your GP is paid. Your personal information (e.g. name, address, Medical Card number etc.) and chronic disease history are received and stored by the HSE. Your personal information is stored safely and confidentially in line with current data protection regulations. You will have full and open access to your personal information held by the HSE upon request. The Privacy Statement is available at your GP practice.
Can I withdraw my participation from the Programme?
It is your choice to take part or not. You can withdraw from the Chronic Disease Management Programme at any time by informing your GP. This means that you will not receive structured reviews and other care planning under the Chronic Disease Management Programme from that point. You can re-join the programme again later if you so choose.
If you have any questions:
Ask Your GP or Practice Nurse.