
15th Feb 2024

Measles Information

If you think you have measles, do NOT attend the surgery in person; CALL us on 052 7441364 or Caredoc on 0818 300 365

The full course of MMR vaccine offers good protection against measles for 99% of people. To check your vaccination status you can call your Immunisation Office. A full course is two vaccines. You or your child can be vaccinated at any time if you have not been fully vaccinated before. 

Key points:

  • GPs can offer the MMR vaccination to any eligible patients, aged between 14 months and 10 years old (inclusive), who have not received one or both doses of the MMR vaccine.
  • A full course is TWO vaccines, usually given at 12 months and then in Junior Infants.
  • For children who have had their first dose and are waiting for the Junior Infant booster vaccination, there is no recommendation to get a 2nd MMR before JI at this stage. 
  • If someone older than 10 years requests a catch up MMR vaccine, can they be vaccinated? Yes. the HSE vaccine can be used as a catch up vaccine as appropriate.
  • Most adults born in Ireland before 1978 are likely to have had measles infection, so do not need a booster vaccine. However, MMR vaccine can be offered on request if you are considered at high risk of exposure. Please contact a GP or Practice Nurse to discuss your situation if you are at particularly high risk. 

For more information see:

HSE Measles Information

Measles, Mumps and Rubella